Lunar Calendar for Winter & Early Spring 2024

1st Happy New Year 2024 & Mercury goes direct
11th New Moon
25th Full Moon

2nd Ground Hog’s Day
9th New Moon
10th Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon
13th Mardi Gras
14th Valentine’s Day
19th Presidents’ Day
24th Full Moon
29th Leap Day

10th New Moon & Daylight Saving Time & Ramadan begins
17th St Patrick’s Day
19th International Astrology Day & Spring Equinox
23rd Purim begins
24th Palm Sunday
25th Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse (5 degrees Libra)
31st Easter

1st April Fool’s Day & Mercury goes retrograde until 4/25
8th New Moon & Solar Eclipse (19 degrees Aries)
22nd Passover begins
23rd Full Moon

Published by

Pam Tollefson

Owner of Feng Shui Design, serving Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee Metro areas.

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