Feng Shui Design News for Fall 2013

Labor Day = Honor the American Worker Day & Work on your Dwelling Day = Lucky Feng Shui Day

Madison WI - Capitol at night
Madison WI
Tower among trees
Monastery in Korea

How Labor Day came about; What it means (according to the Department of Labor)

“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country”.

Laws were passed starting in 1887 – first by Oregon, the New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Colorado – to make Labor Day a national holiday.

This was good news to me as an adult because during my entire childhood I thought Labor Day was the day before school started that we “labored” and worked to clean up the yard and get the house, especially the garage and basement cleaned up, organized and ready for winter. (This ritual preparation is similar to what they do in China before Chinese New Year to insure good luck in the new year.) It makes sense to prepare for a change of seasons and lifestyle and it is good feng shui. As you know, feng shui is all about creating a supportive environment in which to work and to live. A day or two of preparation to get everything put away or brought out for future use will make your day-to-day living less stressful, more harmonious and lucky.

Vincent Lombardi statue at Lambeau Field
Statues, heavy pots, large stones represent the “Mountain” (rock/earth energy) we use for stability in Feng Shui.

Fall Calendar

5th – New Moon, Rosh Hashanah begins
8th – Grandparents’ Day
19th – Harvest Moon – Full Moon Sukkoth
21 – International day of Peace
22nd – Autumnal Equinox
27th – American Indian Day

4th – New Moon
8th – Draconids Meteors
14th – Columbus Day
18th – Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon
21st – Mercury goes retrograde until November 10th
31st – Halloween

3rd – Solar Eclipse – New Moon & Daylight Savings Time ends
10th – Taurids Meteors & Mercury retrograde ends – carry on
17th – Full Moon

Tips for Labor Day travel

Organize your car

  • Take water – room temperature water still quenches thirst but don’t leave it in the car in the sun
  • Take CD’s to keep you awake or calm you down or inform you (educational)
  • If you take snacks you want to eat in the car, add an absorbent lap cloth or a roll of paper towels.
  • Take multitasking items for passengers who get bored in construction zones.

Every time you leave the car take any accumulated garbage with you.

Drive carefully, be alert and drive with the compassion of Buddha.

  • If someone cuts you off, empathize with their need to get somewhere in a hurry
  • Recall a time when you needed some extra consideration and you got it from another driver.
  • Be aware of how vulnerable cyclists and highway workers are on the road and be extra cautious.
  • Visualize the big picture – will it really matter in a day or even two hours from now, if you are a few minutes late compared to if you or someone got injured or in a serious accident?
  • Open your mind to the experience of driving without distractions – no phone, no texting, no intense conversations with passengers.
  • Make yourself unavailable to outside influences and use this time to decompress, distress from what you were doing by giving your whole attention to driving your vehicle. You will arrive at your destination with new insights for solving the problem or, at the very least, more focused and relaxed – depending on traffic.
  • Enjoy the journey – half the fun is getting there, right?

Before you leave home, visualize that you have a safe trip.

Put a crystal or symbolic object in the helpful people /safe travel areas of your home (this is the bottom right corner on the floor plan of your house.)

Choose your hotel room carefully

  • Check out the room before you take your luggage there.
  • Is it in a noisy area with ice makers transformers, air conditioners and elevators?
  • Can you avoid having a mirror at the foot of the bed?
  • Air out the room – check for drafts and where the air conditioner vent is located.
  • Is the bed in a commanding position or your. Best direction? If you are staying there for a long time it would be more important.

Feng Shui to Go

They’re back in Milwaukee this weekend riding their “moving homes” and they come from all over the world. They customize their bikes with flags, cup holders and accessories to make them feel at home

Photos taken at the Harley 100 celebration 10 years ago.

Harley rider and senior woman conversing
She could have said “Want to swap wheels?”

Rider with Australia sticker on pannier
Did he say? “It was a very wet ride till we got to Miami.”

Motorcycle seats
As comfortable as the leather sofa?

parked yellow covered trailer and Harley Davidson motorcycle
Home away from home: “You take the first shift, I need to get some sleep” (overheard in the parking lot)

Published by

Pam Tollefson

Owner of Feng Shui Design, serving Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee Metro areas.

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