DOORS AND WINDOWS from a Feng Shui Perspective

DOORS are the “mouth of chi” especially the front door. The front door corresponds to your career. On the interior, keep the door unblocked with nothing restricting easy opening, well oiled (no squeaking or sticking).

* The front door should be visible from the street or made prominent and inviting so people may find you if you are working and want to be found.

* Check the view looking out the door. Is there shrubbery, trees, etc., that comes between the door and the roadway in front? If so, trim the bushes, remove the obstacles.

* The front door should not be in direct line with a staircase. It is thought that the good luck and money flow right out the house. The transcendental cure is to have a crystal ball or chandelier between the staircase and the front door.

WINDOWS correspond to the eyes of the residents and relate to vision problems. Be sure you have no cracks or cloudy window panes.

* Windows alsobrepresent the creativity or children of the home. The doors are the authority or parents of the home. You want to have a proper ratio of windows to doors – any more than 3:1 can make the children unruly and rebellious. I was once called into a “glass house” where the children were totally out of control. More window treatments (drapes, curtains, blinds, etc.) were in order and some bells on the doors so the parents’ voices could be heard. On the other hand, if a young child lives in a home with many big heavy doors, he/she can feel oppressed.

* Any combination of three windows or doors in a row allows the chi to move too fast. Depending on the distance involved, you need to hang a crystal balls – maybe in chandeliers – in the pathway to slow down and disperse the chi into adjacent rooms.

* Windows or glass doors that allow excessive sunlight to enter at various times of the day can create a glare that is noxious; in effect polluted chi. If you can plant trees outside that will shade this, that will stop this. Window treatments and even crystal balls that disperse the chi and make wonderful rainbows can help.

* If your window treatments are always closed – for privacy or necessary reasons, and the house is too dark and/or depressing, you might have to consider adding more lighting especially for the winter season. (The condition SADs requires full spectrum lighting… another topic we will address at another time.) Using shears or blinds that go from the bottom up, instead of the top down will give you privacy and still let in some light.
Interior doors that can smash together if both are opened at the same time are called “arguing doors”. This is annoying and can lead to family arguments. The physical solution is to redo the doors.
pocket_door pocket door

* The transcendental solution is to give the doors symbolic “eyes” (red dots) so they can see each other. Visualize family harmony…

* Window placement in new construction should be carefully done by watching how the sun moves for a year before construction.

* Door placement in new construction should carefully consider visibility from the street, ratio to windows and all the above considerations.
Many people come into the house from their car through a garage or back entrance and never use their front door. It is good to occasionally open the front door and find a reason to use it whenever possible. This keeps the chi vital. Remember that front entrance is how we orient the three door bagua and it needs action once in a while.

* The door we use in from the garage or back entrance is considered “the door of first impression”. What we see when we enter this door is what we psychologically want to do when we get home. If it is the kitchen, we want to eat, if it is a wall, we feel blocked, if it is a bathroom, we need to use it. To divert your view from these rooms put art, pictures, etc., that will cause your eyes to focus there first (focal points) or put a dispersing multifaceted crystal ball between you and that refrigerator.

* IN SUMMARY – windows, their quality of clarity, size and locations determines how a house breathes, how the chi flows from inside to out. As winter approaches we need to be sure this practical part of functioning is at its optimum .

If you think you’ve heard this before, you probably have. This fall newsletter is mostly a reprint from a decade ago, September 2014. This following part about “order in the nation ” and “peace in the world” is more important than ever.

If there is harmony in the house,
there is order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
– Old Chinese Proverb

Published by

Pam Tollefson

Owner of Feng Shui Design, serving Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee Metro areas.

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