Year of the Tiger

Chinese Tiger

If 2010 sneaked up on you and you didn’t have time to plan your resolutions strategy, you have a second chance – Chinese New Year. The lunar new year is always the first new moon in the sun sign of Aquarius. This year it is fairly late and is a month away. You have time to make this an auspicious occasion. We can all make simple changes in our homes and workplace that will bring clarity, happiness, peace and prosperity in our lives this coming year. Start re-exploring the seen and unseen ways that place affects us, our moods, our actions, and our success.

Nine Ways to prepare and promote good luck and good fortune in 2010’s Tiger year:
1. To start off the year right, it is important to have a clean house. (Cleaning, sweeping, painting the doors and window sills before Chinese New Year is considered very important in China.)
2. To keep current, remove your old temporary cures for the Ox year 2009.
3. To take advantage of this year’s transiting energies, install the new temporary cures for the Tiger year. Try to get this done by February 4th.
4. To meet this year’s challenges, visualize the faces of five people who can help you. (Know you can call on them in times of trouble.)
5. To accelerate your success and prosperity, greet one new person every day for 27 days, making no requests or complaints.
6. To fulfill your wishes, see your dream come true, from beginning to end, in a sequence of nine pictures, every day for 27 days.
7. To bring something new into your life, move 27 objects that haven’t been moved in a year.
8. To further your career opportunities, make sure the main entrance to your home is in perfect shape – no squeaking, sticking doors, or wobbly door knobs, no rickety steps, etc.
9. To master the art of keeping your resolutions, put a crystal on a tripod (or some other symbol that will remind you) on your desk.

Published by

Pam Tollefson

Owner of Feng Shui Design, serving Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee Metro areas.

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