Lunar Calendar
November 2010
6th New Moon – start a new project
7th Daylight savings time ends. Sleep an extra hour.
11th – Veterans’ Day
19th Venus goes direct, love (or something else of value)
moves forward
21st Full Moon – complete a project
25th – Thanksgiving Day
December 2010
5th – New Moon
11th – Mercury goes retrograde – double check all plans
and appointments for the next 3 weeks
21st – Full Moon Eclipse & Winter Solstice
Water up the Yin Yang and the Yangzi River – Feng Shui Element Series: H2O
The Water Element – the fourth in our series of the 5 Chinese elements, is associated with the upcoming winter. After the fall comes the winter season. Midwesterners often have a love/hate relationship with winter for varying reasons and it seems to last so long.
In Feng Shui, water is equated with wealth and prosperity. It is considered auspicious to live on or near the water. Lakefront property can be pricey, but the rewards may be worth it. By bringing in an outside water view into the house with a mirror you can assure the money stays at home. Adding a fountain, fish tank, a bowl of water for fresh flowers, a picture of water, a calendar of waterfall pictures, or putting a swimming pool or pond in your yard, you may increase abundance. But before you do any of the above, let’s take a closer look at water.
The very observant Asian masters categorized water into two major types: yang (the masculine) for the moving water (the oceans, rivers and outlet streams) and yin water for the still water (lakes, ponds and even stagnant pools of water). Then they came up with 72 types of moving water and 72 types of still water. The ancient masters seem to have had a lot of time on their hands. They analyzed water up the yin yang. (Don’t worry, we won’t go through them all.) Creative energy and social activity are the yang characteristics associated with moving blue water. Standing at a waterfall can be very inspiring and energizing. Deeper, darker yin water relates to wisdom and clarity gained through stillness. Listening to the sound of quiet water can be very calming, soothing and enlightening.
- The water area of the bagua is in the cold North. When you use the Black Sect Tantric Buddhism’s three door bagua where direction is irrelevant – the center front of the building is the career area and coincides with water.
- Water has special meaning for abundance and is used at the entrance of a building regardless of the direction. The entrance is considered “the mouth of Chi†where outside energy enters into the building. This is a good place to put water. Think about the fish tanks found at the entrances of Chinese restaurants and Chinese laundries.
- Water is represented by any actual water – water fountains, bird baths, bowls of water, water in vases, as well as fish tanks. Water that moves has more energy than water that just sits there.
- Adding 100 pounds of water can be beneficial, but impractical.
- You can achieve the same amount of water energy by putting water in motion with a water fountain, fish tank, etc.
- The color of water can vary from a yang light blue, medium blue to yin dark blues and black. From the color of an ocean wave to a cesspool, you can use color to represent the water itself.
- Wearing reflective, glassy, wavy scarves, jewelry and accessories will strengthen your own water element. Metal jewelry will also enhance water while wooden items will reduce it.
- Wearing black or blue colored clothing such as blue jeans also helps balance missing water if it is missing in your four pillar chart.
- The water shapes are irregular and conforming. Water has no regular shape of its own; rather it conforms to any container it is put into. It is flexible, fluid, often portrayed as shiny and wavelike. Wavy shimmery fabrics are often considered to be portraying the moving water element.
- The quality of water is wisdom.
- Water in the compass system is represented by the number 1 in your house grid.
- If you want to reduce the water element in a space – let’s say you are in a flood plain or damp, wet place, bring in the wood element – plants and trees – because they will soak up the water. (We have to water our plants and flowers. Water is the mother element for wood. Wood is the child and will take energy away from the mother element.)
- Water will condense on a metal cup. Therefore, metal is considered to be the mother of water. When water element is weak, in addition to adding water you can bring in the metal mom to support it. [Remember – as the child of metal, water, like all children, has a way of sapping their parents’ energy (but in a good way – usually) so by bringing in the water fountains, colors or blues and black and the metal element will be less strong. ] It is rarely necessary to weaken the metal element. As you know from last month, metal is big fix for stuck earthly energy.
- The taste is salty.
- The smell is putrid.
- The emotion is fear.
- The energy is creative.
- The sense is the sense of hearing. (ear)
- Chinese medicine tells us that water rules the fluids of the body, specifically the blood. The major organ involved is the kidney. Drinking water and eating watery foods such as watermelon and foods that are blue (blueberries) and dark are very beneficial.
- Water buildings include, media and music structures, ad agencies, breweries, distilleries and oil or fluid producing businesses as well as literature and communication-related enterprises and those dealing with computers.
- Water rooms include bathrooms, laundry rooms, hot tubs, pools and spas.
- IMPORTANT: Make sure you have no leaking water in the house – running toilets, dripping faucets, etc. Wasted water is wasted money. Maintaining a constant water pressure and harmonious flow of water is vital. When the flow changes, so do you financial circumstances. Conserve and use water wisely.
Encore Feng Shui Tips – Getting ready for Winter
As Midwesterners we know that our homes become our refuge in cold, snowy weather. Let’s get them ready now. It can save you unhappy minutes in the cold on a daily basis if you plan ahead.
The Garage – This is the transition area that welcomes you to your home. Make it look good. It will put a smile on your face and put you in a better mood when you walk in the door.
- The recycling bins are ready for easy access from the house or service door.
- Summer toys are put away. Winter toys are accessible.
- The unfinished projects or broken things are tossed.
- Items that you don’t need now (lawn chairs, cushions, etc.)are relocated to the basement.
- Winter car items – scrapers, brushes, etc., are in the trunk.
- Anything that can freeze (paints, aerosol cans, beverages, etc..) are moved.
The Basement – This below ground pit represents your subconscious mind in feng shui. Maintain order. You may be down here more in the winter.
The Yard – This is your last call for yard work.
- Clear dead plants and pots of dead plants from entrances. (Any fragments of death and decay can affect the eldest resident living there.)
- Maintaining a clear path to your front door and all entrances, even if you don’t use it on a regular basis, is important. This is how people reach you and represent opportunities for you.
The 5 elements table can be found here.
Have a great Thanksgiving.